Student Solution


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1-1 Discussion The Supply Chain and Your Product

1-1 Discussion The Supply Chain and Your Product

Q In preparation for this discussion, and after you have read the assigned textbook readings, review the Basic Supply Chain diagram. Next, consider that one of the most important aspects of your daily life is relying on products that have been moved through the supply chain. Keeping in mind the products that you rely on the most, select a product you would like to use to explore the supply chain. Please choose your product thoughtfully, as you will not be able to switch after you have made your choice. You will use this product to explore the supply chain for the duration of the course. In your initial post, address the following: • What product would you like to use to explore the supply chain? • Why did you select that specific product? Explain. In your responses to your peers, offer any initial comments or thoughts you may have regarding their product selection and their explanation of why they selected the product. For example, discuss whether you have had a similar experience with the product selected by your peer. Was there anything your peer did not mention about the product that you would like to point out? Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

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I would like to explore the supply chain of the retail grocery products of branded retail organizations like those of the branded organization named Wal-Mart Inc. I think that the retail grocery products must be handled and brought into the stores of the branded or non-branded organizations in careful manner. The branded retail stores like Wal-Mart Inc. are considered to be more reliable by the global customers than the non-branded retail stores. The most important aspect of the grocery items is that the freshness of the grocery items has to be maintained along with the assurance that the expiry dates of certain specific packaged and preserved grocery items have not been over.